Yesss, I've finally graduated from UTP (Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, in case you are not familiar with the acronym. Cause I get this a lot, "wait, UTP,... wh wha what university is that again?")!
I mean, officially graduated.
You know... The one with the formal ceremony where you call it, convocation. Where you wear those big dark robe with a hoodie and that silly mortar board. And not forgetting, one where you hold a bouquet of flower at one hand and a scroll at the other. Hihihi
Anyway, few weeks had gone by since the ceremony. Baru sekarang aku terasa nak update sebab tak tahu nak buat apa dah. HAHAHA. Nak continue tulis on India, aku pun dah terlupa jalan cerita pengembaraan aku. Nak kena refer balik ke journal yang aku tulis, which I áccidentally' left at my hometown. Harap masih ada lagi kat rumah sebab aku pun tak tahu aku letak mana dah. Eh.
Macam graduan graduan yang lain, aku pun tergolonglah jugak over-excited aku nak konvo. Who doesn't kan? Walaupun dah hampir 9 bulan sebenarnya aku habis belajar. Sigh. Unless kau ada kekangan kekangan yang tak mengizinkan kau nak excited pasal konvo tu. Lagipun, it was my first convocation. Convocation to me, is a moment to be cherished with family, celebrating all my hardwork during my uni years. Aku tak mintak hadiah and what not pun, just be there to celebrate, ME. Masa diploma, aku tak pergi konvo aku, because no one was around to attend the ceremony. So dah tak ada sapa sapa yang nak tengok aku konvo, buat apa aku nak pergi? Macam pointless je. Untuk degree ni, since I am married, at least my husband is there for me! So aku excited la sikit! I get to dressed to kill and I get to groomed him too! Hehehe
I was wearing the phenomenal Pua Kumbu for Convocation. Beli masa raya, tak terpakai pakai. Jimat duit tak payah beli baju baru. Girls will always be girls, semua nak baru for some occasion, kan? Kadang kadang baju berlambak yang tak tanggal tag lagi, tapi dah fikir nak beli baju baru -.-' Scarf dan hijab pin, main tunjuk tunjuk je kat kedai sendiri. Eh. Kasut pulak, it was a last minute deal from fashionvalet. Dapat discount lebih separuh harga, so it was more than worth it la kalau nak pakai sekali je pun. Free delivery pulak tu! Hahahah. Kiss and Tell 4.5 inch platform. Sepanjang masa aku berdoa supaya tak jatuh tersungkur especially atas pentas masa nak amik scroll. And thank god I did not trip. Tapi lepas habis ceremony, i couldn't feel my feet. Nak dress to kill sangat kan, amik kau! As for husband's attire, I kinda forced him to shop! Hihihi. H&M je pun, full suit sekali dengan kemeja tak sampai RM400 pun. Sekali sekala apa salahnya, dia pun tak ada suit sendiri, jadi ini lah masa nak shopping :P
Oh! Back to the convocation... My sister was excited to attend the ceremony jugak, and she bought me a bouquet of overly-priced flower. Thank you, sister! Walaupun aku rasa macam membazir je sebab mahal nak mampuih. Tapi sebabkan itu first time aku konvo, why not la kot. Doesn't matter, at least a family member was there on my day. Walaupun terkilan jugak hajat tak kesampaian nak buat family photo macam orang orang lain... And the fact that mom wasn't even there to witness my achievement.... But hey! Looking at the bright side, sekurang kurangnya mak ada masa aku kahwin. So, ok. Not gonna sing a sad song here =.='
At least mother in law was there and kind enough to treat me like her own daughter |
*After all the pain and hardship I've gone through my degree, ...*
Ayat cliche sangat pun ni.
To be honest, tak de lah hardship sangat pun. I don't mean to brag, but I feel my degree years were a lot easier than my diploma. My CGPA verifies this! I put the same effort, I didn't study THAT hard, I don't stayed up very late like I did during my diploma, I didn't wake up at 3.30am to study (although I planned to, but I lost to my comfy bed everytime), I skipped many classes, I sometimes failed to submit assignments, I did not attend quizzes, I didn't participate in group study, and yet, I, managed to surpass that 3.50 figure.
That may have scored me into the dean's list.
But nahhh, it is nowhere near the first class degree title. In UTP, only above than 3.75 pointer will be qualified for a first class degree honour. And for this, I missed my chance to waive my study loan to become a scholarship! Damn you, UTP grading system!
hahaha... sebab senang patut leh dpt better dr diploma lah.. kan dah kene trick ngn utp kakakaka
better dari diploma la tu ha, diploma tak sampai pun 3.50 CGPA nye.
tak fair betul, system convert jadi loan tu kena ikut grading university. patutnya ikut je la CGPA standard 3.50 ke atas ha. haih!
Hii nak tanya, baju awak beli dkt mana ehh? Cantik!
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